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AFRUCA Training for professionals in youth welfare, psychotherapeutic services and educational institutions

26/06/2025 | 09:30 17:00 CEST

Presented by: AFRUCA Social Workers

Training Aims and Objectives:

This full day unique training course will enable practitioners to develop new skills and competencies around culture and safeguarding. The training session will explore a range of safeguarding issues linked to culture, beliefs and practices and the implications on safeguarding children from West African backgrounds. Participants will work on a range of case studies to strengthen their skills to intervene and work effectively in families.

Training Outcomes:

By the end of the session participants would:

  • Understand the key issues of culture, what it means to practitioners and how it can affect their assessment/intervention with West African children and families.
  • Gain knowledge of a range of cultural practices that can affect the safeguarding of children and their families i.e. witchcraft abuse, domestic abuse, modern slavery, physical chastisement, First Born Syndrome, adultification and cultural competence.
  • Develop the knowledge of cultural and safeguarding needs of West African children and families.
  • Demonstrate a better understanding of how to work with culture leading to increased skills level and confidence intervening in families.
  • Identify strategies to better engage with West African families in order to safeguard/ protect vulnerable children who come in contact with your service.


  • Presentation (verbal/virtual)
  • Case Studies
  • Group Discussions
  • Feedback

Target audience: Professionals in all areas of youth welfare, psychotherapeutic services and educational institutions.


AFRUCA – Safeguarding Children was established in May 2001, as a platform for advocating and promoting the wellbeing and protection of Black and African children in the UK. Our Head Office is in London. We run a Centre for Black and Ethnic Children and Families in Manchester. We also run projects working with communities on Safeguarding Children across various ethnic groups. In February 2020, AFRUCA formally changed its name from Africans Unite Against Child Abuse to AFRUCA – Safeguarding Children. For more information about our work and the services we offer, please visit AFRUCA’s website:

Referentinnen: Deborah Bakare (senior social worker) & colleagues

Termin: Donnerstag, 26. Juni 2025, 9:30 bis 17 Uhr

Format: Online Anleitung zur Nutzung von Zoom bitte hier herunterladen!

Teilnehmer*innen: maximal 25

Ort: Achtung, dieses Seminar findet online statt!

Teilnahmebeitrag: 155 €

Anmeldeschluss: 26. Mai 2025

Veranstaltungs-Nummer: VC25FB0625


AFRUCA Training for professionals in youth welfare, psychotherapeutic services and educational institutions (VC25FB0625)

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25 verbleibend
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